
All posts tagged physiognomy


Published March 6, 2013 by Tony

Physiognomy & Personality

Your face tells us who you are!

Physiognomy or Physiognomonics is the assessment of a person’s character/personality through outer appearance, especially from the face. Aristotle argued the thesis that the resemblance of some men with some animals had to extend to the inner traits of character.
Since the sixteenth century, this science enjoyed a certain consideration and so much to become a university subject. Phrenology created around 1800 (another pseudoscience primarily focused on measurements of the human skull), was also considered a kind of physiognomy and spread during the nineteenth century in Europe and United States. Over time, the modern physiognomy has had a series of structural changes that even give rise to various disciplines (from the first rudiments of psychoanalysis to criminal anthropology).
The morphopsychology is one of them, and it studies the personality through facial features, not in a static and analytical way like the physiognomy, but in a constantly dynamic changing, where each element of the face assumes, and in turn gives, different meanings depending on the context and stimuli.
Although physiognomy is a pseudoscience, often the delineated character, that this study shows, really finds parallels in reality, similarly as with the zodiac signs. Just for fun, check your face’s components shape, read the results reported below, and you’ll see.

Physiognomy theory according to Leonardo da Vinci, Royal Collection.

“It seems as if there were some happy and some unhappy faces; and I believe there is some art in distinguishing affable from simple faces, severe from rude, malicious from pensive, scornful from melancholick, and such other bordering qualities.”  Michel de Montaigne

“Your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters”. William Shakespeare

“…. there are mystically in our faces certain Characters which carry in them the motto of our Souls, wherein he that cannot read A.B.C. may read our natures”. Thomas Browne


OVAL (thin, proportionate)
Easily noticed because such a face seems longer than the others. Oval faces belong to calm and reasonable people. A person with a thin face is confidant by experience and not by nature, this means that when trying something new can have fear and anxiety. If the face has also two small and distant eyes, the person likes the smallest detail. The companion of people whose faces are thinner is the fear, their main challenge, and this can make them detached from the news and adventures, being more linked with comfort. The roundish element refers to the ingenuity, imagination and sensitivity, rather than the meticulousness and rigor of the cold reasoning. This is typical of those who are led to “flights of fancy”, and then ends up being superficial in many behaviors and easily suggestible. Very clever, but better if they keep away from practical issues, and if they find truth and security in religion and mysticism, their intuition can give them many satisfactions.

ROUND (without edges)
People who have a round face are friendly by nature, prefer meetings and give a pleasant company. Their nature is, however, very complex, with predisposition to acting in contradiction, as in thinking or react. The continuous swing of different behaviors to act angry and joyful, irrational and prudent, ambiguous and outspoken, makes them very interesting individuals, but also to be taken in small doses. They often suffer from narcissism. Owners of the round face, as a rule, are able to adapt to any situation, safely overcome the difficulties – both financial and personal ones. They are very energetic.

SQUARE (proportionate face)
It is typical of a multifaceted nature and rich of interest. Lover of responsibility and even more of their ideas, these subjects have a irrepressible vitality physical and mental, that due to their natural strength of character can become severe and closed to others’ suggestions. It is undoubtedly a clever individual, an observer with an iron logic, however not readily available to cede and accept idealisms. A square shaped face speaks about the strength and determination of rights, as well as a heightened sense of justice and desire to live “according to the rules”. Such people are natural leaders and good lawyers. Someone who has elongated and thin face should work hard to achieve a success, but still they are good people.

RECTANGULAR (face still proportionate)
The slenderness of the features, arising however from the square face, is a sign of a refining of the capacities and is typical of those who know how to evaluate themselves and others, and bring out the best from both. Analytical, objective and practical, they know how to use, if necessary, also imagination and intuition. They are not idealistic, but always frank, candid and honest. In love they can be companions on which friends can rely on.

PEAR-SHAPED (large with predominant chin and mouth)
The owners show great skill in material and practice matters, as well as a keen business sense. This face is present in people who, although don’t love any risk, know how to act with diplomacy and sometimes by opportunism for their own benefit. Very sociable and “buddies”, they are, however, able to stifle their feeling, if this is an issue of concern for them, or if this can be judged as a personal weakness.



WIDE (high, large or rounded)
Good forehead is prominent, high and wide one. A person with a large forehead is confident by nature, unless it has lost confidence in itself because of some vicissitude. These people have good ability to influence others, usually the distance between their eyes is great because of the large forehead, and this also means high tolerance. These people may not be interested in small details, but rather towards a broad vision and towards wholeness of things. They are good managers. If it is only the upper part of the forehead to be large (triangle shaped face), this indicates interest in spiritual matters, to the detriment of those practices and materials. The relationship with life is problematic, too personal, theoretical and rational.
If it is convex (bulging), then it is a forehead typical of subjects with great social openness, great sensitivity and inner faith. Trust in others and generosity can become excessive and even give rise to idealism.
If then it is the lower part of the forehead to be well-developed, this reveals in the individual a sense logical and, likewise, astute criticism and consistency in actions.

NARROW (flat, small)
People who have a narrow, sunken, or mowing forehead can hardly take a high position in society. If the forehead is flat, a great practical intelligence is normally related to a certain coldness towards the philosophical and spiritual issues. Looking for continuous external confirmations, this individual only highlights the best sides of himself. If it is the lower part of the forehead to be narrow, this identifies an individual analytical, methodical, individualistic and too critical. The owner is constant and determined in every action.
Conversely, if it is the lower part of the forehead to be narrow, then this is typical of people whose opinion changes frequently, driven or stimulated by new interests. To the instability is associated with a natural predisposition to material pleasures.

Tenacity characterizes the owner of this kind of forehead and if, someway, this is a major boost for someone, can become a limit, especially when prevents them from truly assess situations or purposes that they stubbornly are pursuing.


Eyes and eyebrows well-spaced out
This characterizes those who like the approach of wait and see, who don’t rush into things. A greater space means that the person is slower in feelings and actions. The classic person who when goes for shopping can visit all the stores without buying anything. These people may be slower in building relationships and ties and it is best not to push them to make hasty decisions. Sometimes the subjects are lost behind their dreams, and don’t find external real stimuli able to remove them from their inner refuge.

Small (or zero) distance between eyes and eyebrows
This, in general, characterizes a person well-liked by the people because without hesitation. The short distance characterizes people who are able to make quick decisions. About shopping, for example, they also buy hastily things that don’t need. These persons just cannot wait to try something new, and if they decided to do something in the next few days, will wait with anxiety! This kind of eyebrow is often a sign of rigor and intolerance, and these people also reveal a certain mistrust of others.

Generally these eyebrows are present in individuals with very practical sense, determined and dynamic. To tend towards very specific purposes does not exclude their availability, in case of real need for others. When eyebrows are like a straight line the person is a logical thinker.

They are a sign of a strong-willed character, determined, sometimes too hard, energetic and uncompromising. Thick eyebrows are a sign of courage, frankness and strong sexual constitution. However, their owners have dictatorial habits.
People with bushy eyebrows are often obsessed by fixed ideas.

People with thin eyebrows are more secretive. Shyness and insecurity are, usually, the characteristics of those to whom they belong. These subjects are certainly better if they can avoid any liability. In addition to being thin, if these eyebrows are part of a small face, they also are a sign of great sensitivity. If they are, instead, thin and CURLED are sign of a person of exceptional vitality and good mental and physical balance.

They reveal a certain outward roughness, which acts as a veil, however, towards a deep, genuine kindness and helpfulness. If your eyebrows are VERY OBVIOUS and matted indicate individuals whose great passion drives them to live intensely everything, and react with the same emotional charge. Knitted brows indicate, instead, a restless nature.

EYEBROWS THAT MEET (with no space on the nose)
They reveal a person’s character rather closed, sullen, irritable, inwardly little incentive to spiritual growth. These persons cannot relax, always thinking and checking everything that surround them.

WIDELY SPACED (much space on the sides of the nose)
They indicate individuals cheerful, helpful, have a sense of sacrifice and responsibility. In addition, these people are open and trusting towards others.

They are clue of the strong tendency of the subject to enjoy more of the pleasures of life than the spiritual ones.

Curved eyebrows are a sign of friendliness.

They reveal subjects of lively intelligence, but also nervous and unstable. The tendency to cerebral causes them to be in constant competition with oneself and others.

They are synonymous with authority. It needs to take great care with those people, motivating and giving them more attention.


Thin Lashes (short & thin)
Because you are so sensitive, you may get your feelings hurt easily and be quick to anger. Your challenge is to learn to be more objective and try not to take things quite so personally.

Thick Lashes (long & full)
You have a tolerant, accepting attitude and a gentle disposition (state of mind). You are easy to get along with because you keep everything on an even keel.


Small distance between the eyes
These are people who have a strong ability to concentrate. They are evidence of a nature particularly aimed at practical things. In general, these people do not like to be disturbed during the concentration and are people who have a great interest in the details. People who may be not so tolerant especially if emotional, and for instance, don’t bear temperature changes, traffic jams and external influences. This low level of inner tolerance acts as a multiplier for external influences and brings these people to get angry easily or to go out of my mind.

Widely Spaced eyes
These are people who may have trouble concentrating, but a broad, open perspective and a far-sighted imagination. This reveals a person enticed to chase dreams and ideals, rather than practicality. Generally they are people relaxing by nature who hate dealing with details. They also have a big forehead and this makes them good managers. Your challenge is gaining the financial reward you deserve for your broad insights, because compensation for your efforts is a detail you may overlook These people are tolerant and can bear more the problems.

Closely Spaced eyes
You are a subject inwardly full of great feelings and with high values.
You are very focused on details and excel at exacting tasks where minute details are important. You do well in positions that require extreme focus, such as accounting, technical support, proofing documents and the like. Your challenge is learning to see the big picture and relating to others on their terms. In practice, these subjects appear dispersed and unable to assert themselves.

Big Eyes
This is a sign of inner wealth and love for beauty, combined with a good balance and variety of interests. Big eyes are a sign of artistic talent, breadth of mind and inability to manage money.

Very small eyes
They indicate a strong propensity to material interests, oriented to the exclusive satisfaction of own selfish needs.

Small eyes
They reveal nature is endowed with intelligence intuitive, able to fully exploit their capabilities, but not prone to flights of fancy. Those who have small eyes are, in contrast, very careful.

Sunken eyes (eyes are deep in sockets)
This suggests significant introversion, often tinged with melancholy, that the result of preventing a fruitful and ongoing relationship with others. You may seem calm and relaxed, but you are constantly evaluating everything. Even when you are nodding your head, it doesn’t mean you are agreeing with what’s being said. You question and weigh matters carefully and need proof before accepting anything. You protect your inner self by being reflective, reserved, cautious, and observant.

Bulging eyes (eyes appear to be bulging out of sockets)
People with bulging eyes are easy to sexual temptations. Versatility, dynamism and sociability characterize an individual whose openness to others is also stimulated by his innate curiosity towards the new. You are naturally enthusiastic and eager to participate. You don’t have to run the show, but you want to be included in whatever is happening. Your challenge is that if you are interrupted, you may feel criticized and you will put up emotional walls because you don’t feel appreciated.

Narrowed eyes
They indicate tendency to calculating and cunning, but always on the edge of a righteous, but personal and rigid judgment.

Gaping Eyes
They reflect a nature enthusiast, lover of life, optimistic, outgoing, ready to laugh and to have friends.

Almond-shaped eyes (Asians apart!)
They reveal a very thoughtful person, led the analysis, inner growth, but at the same time sensitive and open to other people’s problems.

Angles Up (outer corner higher than inner corner)
You are good at inspiration and imagination. You are an optimist with a focus on the positive things in life. You expect things to turn out for the best. This attitude allows you to accomplish goals others would never try. Your challenge is to keep an even keel if plans don’t work out as expected.
Angles Down (outer corner lower than inner corner)
You don’t see the world through rose-colored glasses. In fact, you expect problems, and you are especially good at spotting potential trouble. You may find that others come to you with their problems because your eyes also show a genuine compassion for the suffering of others. You are quick to admit your errors and correct them, and you expect others to do the same.
No Angle (inner and outer corners on same level)
You have a balanced view of life and tend to be pragmatic (sensible, businesslike) and objective. You are not easily discouraged and possess resilience under stress. If plans don’t work out at first, you can continue on undaunted until they do. You also are concerned with fairness and justice.

Abundant Top Lids (most of upper lid is visible with eyes open)
You have a strong need for intimacy. In relationships, you are a person who incorporates and bonds with your partner. You want someone who will consider you and share all aspects of life with you. For example, if your partner is going to be late, you want to be informed. You understand the meaning of commitment. Your challenge is learning to give your partner his or her space.
Thin Top Lids (only small part shows with eyes open)
You have a balanced intimacy requirement in relationships. You appreciate closeness, but are also capable of acting independently. You are a person who is neither a loner nor overly dependent. You appreciate intimacy, but you need your own space at least part of the time.
No Top lids (none visible when eyes are open)
You have the gift of extreme focus and need your own personal space. In relationships you need someone with enough ego strength to allow you plenty of room and not try to smother or control you. When you are focused on a task, you dislike demands from a partner on your time and attention. You are capable of intimacy when you are ready for it.
Bottom Straight Lids (bottoms lids form a straight line naturally)
You are maintaining an emotional distance or self-protective attitude. You may be suspicious, mistrusting, anxious, or even shy. You keep your guard up and can be initially difficult to approach. Once you may accept someone, however, you can be the most loyal friend, lover, spouse, or supporter. If someone’s bottom lids become straight (squinting) while you are talking to them, the person has become suspicious and guarded. They are screening out information through a wary, mistrustful mental filter. “Eye-blocking” is a nonverbal behavior that can occur when we feel threatened.
Curved Bottom Lids (bottoms lids are curved naturally)
You are positive, receptive and open to  people and new ideas. You are willing to take in and want to consider all facts and information. If a person’s lids become more curved as you talk, then he or she has become more open to you and is truly listening.
Round  Bottom lids (bottoms lids are extremely curved)
You are extremely open and possibly emotionally vulnerable. You are trusting and sometimes naive with an almost childlike innocence. Your challenge is that you can sometimes be very blunt and lacking in tact.


Big nose
Not being beautiful to look at and being cause for dissatisfaction, those who have a big nose tend to have some good skill, as alternative. People with big nose hate taking orders and be like their masters. They do not like to do the small things, but prefer to stand tall and give a great contribution. They get bored easily and do not like repetitive tasks.

Large Nose
Straight and large nose tells about honesty, good humor and optimism.

Small nose
People with a small nose do not have problems in dealing with repetitive and systematic works, and most likely you will find secretaries and people with small noses who do these works. Small nose belongs to pessimist with a poor health.

Aquiline nose
People with hooked nose have the same characteristics of the person with a big nose. To get along with these people, follow and make them feel important. These people often reveal to be unhappy, resigned and pessimistic at times in conflict with others. A hooked nose means that its owner doesn’t like quarrels.


Concave nose with rounded nostrils
This is the nose of the helper. Those who have this nose have a natural tendency to help others and to participate in charitable works. One of the disadvantages is that friends or people sometimes take the opportunity to take advantage. This kind of nose reveals a nature caring and attentive, observant, with a large logical and scientific capacity, available to understand the others and very objective. Big meaty wings and the large tip of the nose promise financial prosperity.

Straight nose, thin and long
A balanced person. It belongs to a very intelligent person, but also closed and jealous of his feelings, forced to remove rather than build.


Nose upwardly
Spontaneity, openness and optimism are the features of this nose, whose owner sometimes, however, can become too sociable and intrusive. A person with this type of nose is often naive.


Nose pointed downward
A skeptic subject. It denotes significant critical-controversial capacity that sometimes come up with sarcasm. An individual character edgy, sharp and incisive.


Thin nose with protruding tip
It denotes extreme precision and patience, but also individuals with a temperament always in conflict with themselves. Although by nature with good intellectual skills, often these persons are not able to put them into practice for real achievements.

Nose with rounded tip
This is the nose of the nosy. These people love to know and assimilate what they can. A large and rounded tip reveals an individual practice, which aims to reach more material rewards than spiritual.

Pug nose, sunken nostrils (dog’s nose)
Cunning, business skills and strategic capabilities are the characteristics of this nose. He also knows how to fight fiercely to achieve what it has set itself, and the innate intuition helps him make decisions, even if it is a character who can be easily fooled.

Deep nose’s attachment (hollow on the forehead)
This denotes sensitivity, subtlety of mind, but also a certain slowness in tackling and solving problems, which in any case in time are solved, with strong social and material achievements.


Small attachment of the nose (no hollow on the forehead)
This subject reveals a remarkable ability to adapt to any life situations, but also a superficial attitude towards theoretical and abstract issues.


Swollen nostrils
They show passion and a choleric temperament. These subjects especially love the material aspect of life. The life they lead is mainly made up of emotional satisfactions. They do not accept the disappointments and they cannot never serve as a lesson.

Narrow nostrils
They are typical of an individual anxious and fragile, always in search of protection and that, if possible, escape any responsibility.



Big mouth
Temperament, generous, passionate, vital and sensual.
Small mouth
Indicates weakness, passivity and egotism trend.
Open mouth
It reveals a simple nature, naive and easily influenced.
Ajar mouth
Sign of openness to others and keen interests.
Laughing mouth
Available to human warmth and friendship.

Big lips
The persons with big lips tend to be very talkative, loves to talk, tell stories and loves to be with friends. They indicate an open nature, loyal, versatile and tending to material pleasures. If the person has full lips, then he is honest, faithful and benevolent. His life is full of positive emotions.
Thin lips
The persons with small lips love silence and tend to hide emotions and feelings. They can also keep secret for years, unlike big lips that are unable to keep a secret! These persons may be very cautious and do not like adventures. Tendency to reason, self-control and sometimes cerebral. Thin lips tell about purposeful person. His determination and self-control often go hand in hand with extreme rigidity.
Prominent upper lip
Evidence of tolerance and understanding towards others, inner richness and consistency.
Protruding lower lip
This shows a subject often intolerant, prone to cunning and little loyalty.
Upper lip well marked and mouth heart-shaped
To a good mental and physical balance is matched by a lively love life, sometimes too much.
Straight mouth’s line with tips facing downward
This is a pessimistic person. One of the advantages of this person is to be able to discover problems before they happen. Uncertain, eternally dissatisfied and without authentic impulses.
Straight mouth’s line with tips facing upwards
This is an optimistic person. One of the advantages of this person is that he can encourage those who are hesitant and uncertain. Denotes sympathy, courage and a tendency to be imprudent.
Line of the mouth small, straight and without protruding tips
This represents the balance. One of the advantages of this person is to give a very balanced view.
One corner of the mouth upwards
It indicates a very eccentric and changeable nature, life swings but also in its interests.
One corner of the mouth downwards
It is indicative of the ability to easily have the upper hand over the others, and the tendency to emphasize the ridiculous.


Round and full chin
It is a sign of friendliness. It reveals a positive attitude towards life, the result of an inner goodness and sincerity, but can also reveal some dissatisfaction.


Wide, full, solid
It indicates a strong and vigorous nature which must be well managed to not result in instinctive violence.


Very Extended (forward)
It is a sign of a nature not prone to reflection and more inclined to violent and instinctive reactions.


Long and Extended (pointed)
It denotes a person ambitious comes over with authority, coldness and also a certain barrenness of heart.


Very Long (rounded)
It reveals a very practical spirit, pursuing his goals with method and perseverance.


Not Pronounced,  pointed
For this chin, the dominant note is never satisfied ambition that makes the subject grumpy and dissatisfied.


Small, slightly protruding
It denotes sensitivity and inner wealth but also inability to assert itself are its features.


Chin with dimple
It means a person conciliatory and friendly, but often tends to get lost behind his inner problems.


Going inwards, elusive
It is a sign of a still weak, indecisive, timid and fragile.



Retracted (going inwards and almost non-existent)
It is typical of a person on the capacities defeatist, and those who live closed in on itself.


Small, almost non-existent (straight or slightly retracting)
It reveals lack of common sense and objectivity, with a strong tendency to take refuge in impossible dreams.


Short and Tight (straight)
It shows a lot of great shyness and inhibitions, resulting in difficulty in establishing relationships with others.


Double chin
It is a sign of a strong predisposition to pleasure and material goods almost exclusively.




Very Developed
They reveal a strong and tenacious nature, to be sometimes even stubborn. To this it may accompany a certain tendency to become detached from the others. Often synonymous with courage and adventure.

These are typical of a person flexible, easily adaptable, but also surface and a bit ‘fickle.


Big ears
Ears bigger than the average shows great vitality and intelligence, combined with a healthy desire to grow and improve.

Very large and imperfect ears
They are a sign of intelligence wasted due to serving the interests not just legitimate, sometimes even dangerous.

Small Ears
They indicate humility, kindness, sense of duty, and for those who become those who have positive and productive forces, capable of solving the most difficult situations.
Pressed ears mean that you are important figure and people respect you.

Very small ears
A very small ear denotes inability to give the best of themselves, due to a certain inconsistency in the application.

Fixed too high on the head
If the top of the ears are above the eyebrows it’s a sign of intelligence and ambition.
This reveals a complex personality that seeks to improve interior as an instrument of socio-economic achievement.

Fixed too low on the head
It reveals a kind aimed at the conquest of his own personal way of life, without coming into conflict with others.

Great earlobes (lobule or lobe)
This type of ear shows great strength of character and will, and is typical of people who are able to achieve, thanks to these qualities, abundant personal success.

Small earlobes
It reveals a certain physical weakness in a person who has little ability to make their own strict moral values.

Fleshy earlobes, detached from the head
This indicates a personality full of interest, capable of being implemented without detracting from the enjoyment of life. Curiosity and strong vitality are the most obvious. Full fleshy ears with large lobes promise its owner wealth.

Earlobes almost absent
This indicates a predisposition to fickleness, to give space to the world of instincts and affects. But such instincts can lead to being soon tired of things acquired.

Very large Auricle (pinna)
The superficiality is not the distinguishing characteristic of the owners. An ear pavilion with great propensity to manifest cerebral and introspection.

Poorly differentiated Auricle
It indicates the dominance of the instinctive forces on rationality. It is typical of people who “turn on” for a trifle, but just as easily forget the insults.

Well differentiated Auricle
It reveals an individual with excellent communication skills and a great artistic sensitivity. It is the ear of the artist.

Auricle with big antihelix (edge)
An ear with a rim well designed interior reveals a good balance, which combines a very strong imagination, and the ability to realize their dreams.

Flat or missing Auricle
The flat rim or even missing is typical of a person so friendly and open, that it is sometimes even a little ‘surface.

Auricle with imperfect edge
An ear with a bad edge is evidence of a very lively and bright personality, intelligence, but that tends to run behind a thousand stimuli so as to be in the long run, a bit ‘scattered.

Auricle with very curved hem
It denotes a personality characterized by loyalty, honesty and a vision of life rather open, harmonious and peaceful.

Auricle with sharp edge
It is typical of materialistic people and a bit ‘dull, disinclined to search for spiritual values and the acceptance of new and exciting interests that life offers. Pointed ears say that their owner often comes under instincts.

A very large helix (area inside the auricle’s edge)
This denotes sociability, tendency towards human relationships and emotional richness of heat. It also reveals good insight.
